
Welcome to the gallery of academic luminaries! This space is designed to introduce you to the incredible individuals who make up our faculty team. With their vast expertise, dedication, and passion, they play a pivotal role in shaping the academic and personal growth of our students. Delve into their profiles to discover their academic backgrounds, research interests, and professional experiences. Whether you are a prospective student, a current member of our community, or simply interested in learning more about our faculty, we invite you to explore and connect with these inspiring educators.

Dr Manju Rughwani


Dushyant Somvanshi

Deputy Dean

Ketan M Deore

Assistant Professor

Harrashad Kaamble

Assistant Professor

Priya Bonte

 Assistant Professor

Dr Sukhada Khandge

Assistant Professor

Kamal Srivastava

Assistant Professor

Prasad Pawar

Assistant Professor

Hitansu Patnaik

Assistant Professor

Shahrukh Mushtaq Sayyed

Assistant Professor

Ved Verma

Assistant Professor

Jay Prakash

Assistant Professor

Aashay Mahadeo Gatade

Assistant Professor

Bhuvanesh Pandian

Associate Professor

Nikhila Kotwal

Assistant Professor

Sachin Selvaraj

Adjunct Faculty